Saturday, December 18, 2010

the land of twitterpatia

So, the truth is that this Fall has been all about falling, diving, soaring into the exquisite land of Twitterpatia. This is a land found on the map of the heart, is usually found in springtime and is inspired by a quote from Disney's Bambi...if you still don't understand, here's the definition from Urban Dictionary:
1) to be completely enamored with someone/something.
2) the flighty exciting feeling you get when you think about/see the object of your affection.
3) romantically excited (i.e.: aroused)
4) the ever increasing acceleration of heartbeat and body temperature as a result of being engulfed amidst the exhilaration and joy of being/having a romantic entity in someone's life.

My sweetheart is something of a cowboy and so this little video (by William Tyler and Ben and Amy Marcantel) seems appropriate: