Saturday, September 18, 2010

Shy girl goes to Time Based Art (Romeo & Juliet)

Shy girl braved PDX's TBA festival tonight for Nature Theatre of Oklahoma's Romeo and Juliet.  Now savoring the deliciousness of hearing those beautiful words in the dark. These folks are the bomb. Word up.

Friday, September 17, 2010

This yellow Mercedes = my muse

yellow leaves, yellow house, yellow car
This yellow Mercedes = my muse

This car has been parked on my block for a while.  I see it most every morning on our walk. Every morning it offers something new. It is a magic, generous car.
picket fence

shadow's embrace

Sunday, September 5, 2010

the empress and my crowning glory

another trip to the hairdresser (The Proper in Portland) invites a study of a vintage stand-up "empress" hairdryer...looking into the future sits under it anymore, but the folks at The Proper do keep the light on, just in case.

if I were to sit under this waiting for my hair to dry, would I feel like an empress?

this might be my favorite view...the air nozzles look like they're having a conversation.

Galen Amussen, my hairdresser at The Proper, is the absolute bomb. She does not speak with an accent like the man in this video, but she is funny as heck, generous to a tee, and she shapes my hair into a crowning glory of wonderful. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Kate Bush - Blow Away with Night Scented Stock

shadows on the moon
fallen stars
Insomnia brings me outdoors in the late, late night and the early, early morning...I wish I could capture the sound of trees hushing gently to each other; the slant of quiet, long shadows crossing the yard and the calm quiet of neighbor cats' nightly explorations.

Kate Bush's "Night Scented Stock" comes close (this version is wonderfully mashed with "Blow Away")